About us

Mike, the founder of Warphammer, probably talking about which Warlord Traits he will include in his list. Not pictured is his date texting her friends to come pick her up early.

Welcome to the BEST resource for Chaos players online!

Whether you want to add a little bit more bite to your fluffy list or you attend large tournaments, you’re in the right place.
What makes Warphammer special is the combination of high level competitive insight and genuine love for the fluff and fun of the factions. You’ll learn from great players that love and appreciate your army just as much as you.
The articles are going to focus on tactics and strategies that Chaos players can use to improve their gameplay, as well as writeups of tournaments that members of Warphammer attend so people can see some experiences of people using various Chaos armies. The advice here is practical and written in a way that you’ll enjoy reading.

Why was Warphammer created?

I wanted to create the website that I wished had existed when I started getting into this great hobby 5 years ago.
We don’t subscribe to the mindset of “X unit is trash, never bring it” or “Z unit is an auto-include, you’re a bad player if you don’t bring it”. While some units certainly are more useful than others, I think a little creativity and practice can make a lot of previously overlooked units shine. All ideas written on Warphammer are the result of extensive actual playtesting against strong tournament opponents, and I love getting units that others think are bad on the table and practicing until I’ve figured out how to get the best out of them.
If you have any questions, want to chat, or have any ideas for articles you’d like to see, feel free to drop a comment on any article or reach out at WarphammerOfficial@gmail.com. Come back as often as you can to learn from some of the best players out there and ignite your passion for the hobby!
And a big thank you to my friends and teammates Chris Gosselin and Jonathan Weaver for providing feedback on the website and written content.
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